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Auto Accident Chiropractic in Virginia Beach

person on phone after auto accidentAfter a car crash, it is vital to prioritize your well-being. Here at The Spine Group, we offer chiropractic care specifically for those who have recently suffered from an automobile accident.

Many underestimate the strain that car accidents place on the muscles. Unfortunately, the seated position in a car subjects the spine to intense pressure, potentially resulting in serious injuries. Dr. Spencer and Dr. Tara specialize in chiropractic adjustments tailored to correcting misalignments in the spine following such intense acceleration and deceleration—ultimately, freeing your body to heal as designed.

Learn more about the benefit of chiropractic care after an automobile accident.

Indicators for Chiropractic Care

Our practice commonly sees patients suffering from numbness, tingling, whiplash, and muscle spasms. Together, these symptoms can indicate nerve or muscle damage and herniated discs, preventing your body from healing. Dr. Spencer and Dr. Tara are here to listen to your concerns, locate the underlying source of your complaints, and realign your spine accordingly.

As soon as your spine is aligned, your nervous system can begin communicating optimally with your body. This reduces pain and discomfort and promotes overall well-being for years to come.


How can I prepare for my appointment?

To get under chiropractic care, you need to bring a photo ID, the accident report, and insurance claim numbers. We will do the rest.

Should I go to the hospital first?

As long as life-threatening injuries are absent, you can absolutely begin with chiropractic care. Of course, we refer out when necessary. Your wellness is our priority.

Do you work with insurance companies?

Yes. Be sure to bring your photo ID, the accident report, and insurance claim numbers to your consultation. We are happy to help guide you through submission.

I had been in pain for five years after a work accident. My first adjustment gave me so much relief that I was able to do things I haven’t been able to do in years. Thank you for giving me back my quality of life. Tim G.

Start Healing Today

If you are suffering from pain and discomfort following a car accident—we are here to help. Our chiropractic team is here to support you as you heal and return to the activities you love.

Start healing today! Contact us to make an appointment.



Auto Accident Chiropractic Virginia Beach VA | (757) 422-2000